Tuesday, September 7, 2010

someone make sense of it

someone make sense of it, 2010
watercolour, archival paper

by stefanie wong


  1. My name is Sage Nelson and I am a student at Youngstown School, in Alberta. Youngstown has a small school, having only 50 students. I am the only grade 9. We are studying your art and one of the assignments was to answer a question about the artist. My question is: "Did Stefanie Wong get her inspiration for her art from her life experiences?"
    I would really appreciate it if you can get back to me.
    Sage Nelson

  2. My name is Garrett Garlock and I am a student at Youngstown School, Alberta. I had the privilege of viewing your art in the Animated Delight program that came to our school. I would like to know how many pictures/days did it take to make your peice of art, What Remains. If you could please contact me at garrett.garlock@plrd.ab.ca it would be greatly appreciated.
    Yours Truly,
    Garrett Garlock

  3. Hi my name is Kate Nelson and I to to a small school in Youngstown Alberta. I am in grade 8 and I am doing a school project on your piece What Remains. My question was in the art piece "What REmains" by Stefanie Wong what was the purpose of having pictures of girls on the wall and also why did the artist include wigs? i would just like to know what was your inspiration for this piece? It would also help to know why you had pictures of girls on the wall and why was there so many wigs? IT has been great being able to view your art work. I would love to be able to get the answers.
    Thanks, yours truly,
    Kate Nelson

  4. My name is Tanner Madge and I am a student at Youngstown School,Alberta. Your piece of art "What Remains"
    was at are school for the last 2 weeks for the Animated Delight program that came to are school.
    I have one question I would like to ask you Why did you pick a monkey to be in your piece of art. If you want to tell me the answer it would be greatly appreciated
    Tanner Madge

  5. Hi it's Tanner Madge My email is Tanner.Madge@plrd.ab.ca

  6. hi its kate nelson my email is Kathleen.Nelson@plrd.ab.ca
